Video Easel 1979

Documentation of Video Easel, a cartridge for early Atari home Computers, on an Atari 800XL.


Fantavision 1985

Animation created with a Fantavision on an Apple IIe. This the first program for personal computers to allow for tweening and morphing between vector based images.


Digital Vision ComputerEyes/2 1986

This video demonstrates capturing a still image on an apple IIe using a Digital Vision ComputerEyes/2 board, and Computereyes/2 system software. It also demonstrates a new board for apple II computers called VIDHD (v1.14 2019), which outputs HDMI, and allows for more colour choices.


Digital Vision ComputerEyes/2 1986

This video demonstrates capturing a moving subject with a video camera hooked up to the ComputerEyes/2 board on an apple IIe. The slowscan of the image capture allows the subject to create a blended image with three heads in one shot.


Fantavision 1987

Animation created using Fantavision on an Apple IIGS.


ComputerEyes apple IIGS 1988

Documentation of capturing a colour photo using a digital camera hooked up to ComputerEyes Board through a RCA composite video input, and the Computereyes system software version 2.2 on an apple IIGS.


Digiview 4.0 1989

Using a Commodore Amiga 500, I go through the steps in capturing/digitizing an image of my hand using the Digiview Gold digitizer hardware with Digiview 4.0 software, and then saving this file to a blank disk. I load this image into Deluxe paint IV, and create a simple animation using the move feature, and the colour range feature to add a simple effect to the hand as it is animated.


Sound Design

